An Evening with Bob Goff

Bridging Hearts with Hope

Project Giving Warmly Welcomes

Bob Goff

to Middle Georgia!

Many years ago we were captivated by Bob Goff’s humorous, practical, challenging, unorthodox, bold, witty, and whimsical approach to love!

We are ecstatic to be bringing The Bob Goff to Middle Georgia!

Date & Time

Friday, September 17th, 2021

Bob Goff is the New York Times Best-Selling Author of “Love Does” and “Everybody Always,” the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda, an attorney, and the founder of LOVE DOES—a nonprofit human rights organization operating in Uganda, India, Nepal, Iraq and Somalia. He’s a lover of balloons, cake pops, and helping people pursue their big dreams. Bob’s greatest ambitions in life are to love others, do stuff, and, most importantly, to hold hands with his wife Sweet Maria Goff and spend time with their amazing kids. For more, check out and

Through Audible, I have listened to Bob’s two books, “Love Does” & “Everybody Always,” so many times, I think I have memorized them!! His approach to LOVE resonates down in the marrow of my bones!! If there’s one skill set I personally desire to proficiently master during my ride of life it is to LOVE LIKE THE JESUS MAN!

Although we are raising funds for our DARLIN’ Project Giving’s families through this event, we desire to share the goodness of God and pass out pieces of the pie to several other incredible organizations who beautifully put LOVE on display!! (My goodness gracious, this is FUN STUFF!!!!) Our “Team Bob” and I would like to reach through whatever device you are using to read these words, hold your face in our hands, and WARMLY invite you to be a part of an EXTRAORDINARY EVENING of INSPIRATION, ENCOURGEMENT, HUMOR, and LOVE…

– Toni Henson Slade (Founder, Project Giving, Inc.)